
Why Is Africa So Poor?

Africa is poor because of several factors, chief among them being a lack of knowledge. This is a sensitive and contentious issue; one that could potentially lead to serious consequences for the writer. It is quite possible that there is a deliberate ploy to keep information like this out of circulation via censorship.

Nevertheless, the first step towards finding a solution to a problem is identifying said problem. The purpose of this article is therefore to identify some of the causes of poverty on the continent with the view that there will be a gradual shift in consciousness, thus bringing about needed change.

For the avoidance of doubt; a few individuals being rich does not negate the fact that Africa is poor. Even if the reader is well off; it is quite likely that his wealth pales to utter insignificance when compared with the situation around him. Your personal wealth is not enough to provide the needs of the continent; Africa is therefore poor including you.

A Few Reasons Why Africa Is Poor

1. Lack of Knowledge

Without knowledge it is impossible to build a build a prosperous society. Africa therefore lacks knowledge in all forms and respects; for example:

(A) There is not enough technical knowledge available to drive industry.

(B) There is not enough economic knowledge to formulate good economic policies, and to stick to them.

(C) There is not enough knowledge in the form of skilled medical practitioner, and Africa is not in the forefront of pharmaceutical research and production.

(D) Not much has been done to teach the younger generation to spend wisely, and to invest their money so as to create wealth for the future.

2. Association With Colonial Powers

Most African countries have maintained close ties with their colonial masters, to the end that the exploitation of their resources have continued unabated, with very little thought towards development.

Instead of this, they should pursue bilateral agreements with new countries on mutually beneficial terms. These fresh agreements should include terms that ensure that products must be produced on the continent, rather than raw materials simply being shipped out.

3. Migration of the Best Minds

This is perhaps caused by the lack of faith that things can get better in Africa. Some of the best minds prefer to jet out of the continent; especially to places like America and Europe where they can earn more.

However, with migration of the best minds, the African continent is mired into poverty because these are the minds that are supposed to find solutions to the many problems facing their peoples back home.

Professionals who would have contributed their quota to the development of the health, construction, information, and other sectors in their respective countries, end up supporting the systems of countries outside the continent. There are even cases of people who did professional work in Africa leaving their positions in favour of menial jobs overseas.

4. Africa Has Poor Leadership

Africa has not always had the blessing of choosing the best leaders it can find. There are several problems that have not been addressed, such as elections being a matter of ethnicity and religion, outright vote buying, and then there is the issue of perennial military coups.

All of these factors have produced the same result; Africa has often been led by visionless and directionless individuals, most of who have only been interested in stealing their countries wealth, and stashing it European banks. (list of Africa’s most corrupt leaders)

5. Lack of Accountability

Without accountability there is simply nothing to stop people in sensitive positions from empting government coffers; or converting public funds and properties for personal use. In most of Africa, there are no mechanisms in place, stopping politicians and public office holders from practicing corruption, or punishing them if they are corrupt.

Any African government serious about fighting poverty must recommend lengthy jail terms for politicians and political office holders who are found to have enriched themselves at the expense of the people.

6. An Inferior Mentality

Africans have acquired an inferior mentality; they would rather wear used clothes shipped in from western countries than new clothing that are produced locally. Africans would rather eat processed and packaged foods coming in from other parts of the world, and they would rather pay higher fees in order to be educated by foreign academics.

This demand for foreign goods at the expense of local content is one of the biggest reasons why Africa is poor because it means that what little capital that Africans have is allowed to fly abroad. Local factories and food processing plants are forced to die off, and the people once employed by those establishments are forced out of work.

With fewer jobs year on year; the continent is forced into greater poverty.

7. Africa Often Has Social Instability

Africa is frequent embroiled in one war or the other, ethnic and religious cleansings are also quite popular. It is practically impossible to have any form of progress in an environment where people are regularly murdered, and property destroyed. This is a build, wait and destroy cycle; and it is something that must change if Africa must make any progress.

Before denouncing Africans for taking up arms against one another, it is also important to note that the weapons used in these acts of destruction are manufactured in Europe (mostly), and that the terrorists and warring parties get logistical support from outside the continent.

8. Poor Healthcare Delivery

For most people; the relationship between poor healthcare delivery and poverty is not apparent. However, illness affects productivity; when the workforce is ill, it cannot produce to its optimum capacity.

It is therefore necessary to ensure that there is a healthy and productive workforce; so that the industries can function at maximum capacity, and also so that the people have spare funds with which they can make purchases, further enhancing the economy.


The reasons why Africa is poor are many and varied, but this post has only been able to highlight a few of them. Another curse which has stayed with the continent is the inability to work together; opening up each other’s markets to goods and services from fellow African countries.

When African countries can prioritize trade with one another, then they can help each other’s economies to grow.

Further Reading: The Richest Countries In Africa

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