
Technology That Africa Needs

The world needs mobile phones, cleaner energy, and safer ways of getting around. But Africa has challenges that are peculiar to it, and that require technology developed to meet those particular challenges. Food preservation, lack of fuel for cooking, and the endemic malaria are some of the problems facing Africa, and which it needs technology to solve.

Fortunately, some of these long standing dreams have already come true, while others are gradually taking shape. Nevertheless, even when the technology has become available, it is largely out of the reach of the common people because poverty remains probably Africa’s biggest challenge.

Therefore, it is important to identify those areas where the need is greatest; where Africa needs technology to make life easier. It is those areas that any effort to address the lack should start.

What Technology Does Africa Need?

Fuelless Generators

Fuelless Generators are a concept design already available in the market; a kind of power generation unit that does not run on petrol, diesel, or any other hydro carbon. Most designs run on battery power – recharging said battery at the same time.

If such a design were commercialized it could potentially speed up Africa’s development because the lack of electricity has been identified as one of the major problem facing the continent, and one of the major causes of poverty.

With Fuelless Generators small scale enterprises could be able to produce more, thus increasing their power to employ, and to improve the quality of life of those they employ.

Solar Stoves

Solar Stoves are already available in two types; photovoltaic and concentrated solar power. Both types of solar stoves have their individual pros and cons, and they operate by different principles.

However, if this technology can be introduced en masse into Africa, it would go a long way to reduce the sufferings of the people, especially in the rural areas where many have to forage for firewood for fuel. Foraging in the woods can be dangerous.

Solar Stoves will also halt and reverse many environmental issues such as deforestation and desertification. It could also potentially reduce global warming, and its associated effects on the environment such as changing ecosystems.

Solar stoves in Zimbabwe will relieve poor families who cannot afford the cost of cooking fuel. In Kenya(1) and Nigeria, they will go a long way to relieve the pressure on the environment – as the ongoing rate at which trees are being felled for firewood and charcoal is already a serious concern.

Irrigation Technology

Farming in most parts of Africa is practiced on the small scale, and those small scale farms are completely dependent on the weather and climate – which can sometimes be unfavorable, such as during times when there are no rains for extended periods.

African farmers desperately need this irrigation technology to help them farm during the times when there are no rains. Large scale irrigation systems can be sought by governments and communities, while small scale irrigation plants can suffice for the needs of smaller individual farmers.

If irrigation technology can become cheap enough to be affordable to the small African farmer, then crop yield will improve dramatically. Food will become available, and hunger will be reduced. There will also be more money going to the farmers.

Technology For E Commerce

E Commerce is already available in many different forms and styles; but it needs to be improved – especially in central, west and east Africa. Technology that can facilitate buying and selling is badly needed because the lack of it is a reason why Africa is behind in terms of economy.

Africa needs technology to link buyers and sellers, process payments, and deliver products and services. It needs to empower businesses, and enable them to operate seamlessly.

Local languages often need to be incorporated into these concepts so that the ordinary person on the streets can participate in the economy.

Anti Mosquito Technology

Africans spend billions every year treating malaria. Malaria is spread by mosquitoes; the same evil insects that make life unpleasant for many Africans. Aside from the torment and the expenses, mosquitos also force people to waste valuable time laying on sick beds.

If anti mosquito technologies can be widespread in Africa; it will amount to a huge relief – financially, physiologically, and otherwise.

Mind you, the goal is not to make mosquitos extinct; just to keep them out of human dwellings.

Further Reading:

Technology can accelerate the pace of development, and improve the lives of the people in Africa. The problem often comes from poverty; in Africa technology is often out of the reach of people who need it the most.

Partnerships between technology companies and governments can go a long way to bridge the gap – to make these advancements available to the people as a means of investing in the future. This can be beneficial to African countries, and profitable to companies willing to invest.



The return of charcoal? State rethinking ban to spread gains | The Standard

The Impact Of Burning Charcoal On Kenya’s Ecosystems And The Transition To A Sustainable Future | Worldforest (dot) org | 24th August 2020 | cited 29th April 2024

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